Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Protecting the Children

Learn the facts and understand the risks.
Minimize opportunity.
Talk about it.
Stay Alert.
Make a plan.
Act on suspicions.
Get Involved.

These are seven steps to protecting our children.

 I recently attended a Darkness to Light Stewards of Children  training class which taught  these seven steps to preventing, recognizing and reacting responsibly to child sexual abuse.  I couldn't have asked for a better beginning on my journey to help educate myself and those in our community. I highly recommend that we all become more aware of the things around us so that prevention can happen. Taking this class like this one is a great way to start.

You can find information at www.d2l.org . In Polk County, N.C. you can reach the darkness to Light Stewards of Children Facilitator: Kiesa Kay at P.O. box 144, Tryon, N.C. 28782 phone number 828-859-3194  or email kiesakay@gmail.com

At the end of our work book it has a statement that I would like to share:

Break the cycle of silence. If sexual abuse is part of your history, do not keep it silent. Healing yourself is still your choice. Even if you were sexually abused, you are whole. You still have power and you still have choice. By breaking the cycle of silence, you begin to restore your personal power and reclaim your wholeness. In breaking the cycle of silence, you become part of the community of adults who honor and protect children.

On a personal note: Breaking my silence about my abuse lead to a freedom that I thought I could never achieve. With the right encouragement and prayer, I found peace. I will be praying that you, too, will be lead to the right person to trust with this very sensitive situation.

If you have questions about sexual abuse, or suspect, know or even have a gut feeling about a sexual abuse situation, please contact a person or organization of authority.

THE LAW (N.C.): If you suspect that a child is being abused or neglected, or it you think a child may have died from being mistreated, you must report what you know to the County Department of Social Services. As long as you are acting in good faith you cannot be held liable.

 The following are available contacts:

Resources in Polk County N.C.

To Report Suspected Abuse:

Polk County DSS 828-894-2100
231 Wolverine Trail, Mill Spring, NC 28756
Director:Lou Parton

Sheriff's Office
828-894-3001 emergency: 911
40 Ward Street, Columbus, N.C.28722

Steps To Hope 828-894-2340
60 Walker St. Columbus,N.C.28722
Family Outreach: Ruth Richardson
Director: Rachel Ramsey

Rutherford-Polk-McDowell Health Dept. 828-894-8271
161 Walker St. Columbus, N.C. 28722
Director : Jimmy Hines

National Contacts:

The Healing Place 800-656-4673

Prevent Child Abuse North Carolina

Western Highlands (mental Health) 800-951-3792
Director: Charles Schoenhelt

Childhelp National Abuse Hotline 1-800-4-A-CHILD
(1-800-422-4453) then push 1 to talk to a hotline counselor

RAINN 1-800-656-HOPE

God bless you as you make yourself, children, and your community safe. You can contact me through  a message here on my blog or email me at writeblessings@gmail.com if there is anything I can do to help you find contacts in you area for help in this very sensitive area.

Trust in the Lord....
Proverbs 3:4-6
…So shall you find favor and good understanding in the sight of God and man. Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

I Chose to Forgive

Tonight, I felt lead share. Is God showing you to forgive, even when you think you could never do such a thing? 

Her Forgiveness

Never could I erase the scars of emotional abuse. The haunting memories of child sexual abuse, rape
and molestation lingers brought horrible memories. Nightmares crept into my restless nights. The
mother I needed to turn to turned on me leaving me with no self esteem. For twenty years , even after
the death of my mother, I hated, literally hated what she was about.. To not have a parent stand up or
protect and innocent child has got to be the most unforgivable act of a human being, Short of being the molester themselves, neglect is such a hurtful abuse. How could I ever forgive the person in my life that cut me with words, accused me of wanting such things, and wouldn't give me a healing hug for comfort but instead threw her hands around my neck to choke and threaten me for this happening.

Even worse, I turned my back on God.

After the rough waters of childhood, came the storms of marriage. I thought Jesus would calm the
waves. Instead, even in my claim of Christianity, I caused torturous waves, The only self esteem I
learned was in my acceptance in what I learned in human approval.. If God couldn't help me from he beginning, then I would solve the self esteem issues even if it was the end of me. I turned so far away from my husband and God. I hurt those around me without them even knowing. I didn't even care. I wanted it all to end. Suicidal thoughts beat me up. I thought I had no where else to turn. I was ready to give it all up. No longer could I face the trial and the jury.

 Pleading guilty, I dropped hard on my knees. knowing there was no where else to turn I still don't know how it happened. I just know that I woke up and knew if I didn't turn my life around, I would be turning to hell. What I had to do next was the hardest decision I ever had to make. I had to forgive.

After great prayer and Christian counseling, I made the biggest step toward healing. I forgave. I
actually said the words out loud that shouted inside of me. My heart thumped as I struggled with the
words, “I forgive you mom”. She wasn't there to hear me speak. Even if she were, I don't know if she
would accept the need to be forgiven. But I gave it to God and He allowed me to see her with a
different view. Hurting people hurt people, She had to have been hiding pain that a young daughter
could not see until she grew to face her own life's pain.

 I ached with anger still. But this time I was angry with me. I neglected , I abused my marriage without him ever knowing how. He wallowed around in my sadness and stood under the grey cloud I sheltered under. I let my children feel the destruction and depression. It may not have been the same neglect, but I know it was there,

And I ,for the very first time felt sorry. In forgiving my mother, I began a journey, one step closer to
the goal God wanted me to reach. I forgave myself. I am thankful for Jesus, who forgives, and in awe
of God who lead me to Him, I now know that healing could not happen without the simple step to say
and accept the words “forgive me” even when just spoken to my own self.

I wrote this over two years ago. This week I have had to dig deep and pray hard about forgiveness issues. I had to go to God again and ask Him to fix something in my heart that triggered pain from these memories. I didn't want to bring them back to surface. God knew where I was and reminded me that He is there to provide strength in forgiving again. I had to rely on His examples of mercy.

 If you are broken, know that the Lord can heal. Forgiveness isn't always easy. It definately isn't always popular..but does refresh, renew and heal. You don't have to stay broken. Forgive to heal.

Luke 6:36-37 ESV Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful. “Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven

Just a little Smile. Such great Joy

We are having vacation Bible School this week at our church. Kids are dancing and having fun. They love to laugh and learn.

This week as I see the smiles and hear the laughter, I am lifted. God knew what I needed. Smiles!

Last night I went to bed thinking about Jesus ...dancing around, twirling, in my kitchen...with me.

Today, God woke me up and said, "REMEMBER ? "

My heart fluttered and seemed to pick up a happy rhythm. I smiled and thanked God for allowing me to know the Joy of Him.

Come with me and enjoy a couple of songs and His word. Let the Joy of the Lord be your strength.

John 16:33- These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

Isaiah 55:11-12 ... so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty,but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace;the mountains and hillswill burst into song before you, and all the trees of the fieldwill clap their hands.

When all the world around you feels like a huge mountain of stress, roll down it like a child, dance in the flowers, and find His comfort in a Happy Day. Oh , oh  Happy Day.

Dear Lord, Thank You for supplying what my heart needs. You are no stranger to my thoughts or feelings . You know when I need Your SONshine and you supply it abundantly. Help me to pass the smiles onto someone else. Let Your joy be contagious. In Jesus Name, Amen.



Friday, June 7, 2013

"God's Perfect Peace"... from my guest, "Faith Writer"

An unexpected blessing from a guest writer.... From "Faith Writer"

God’s Precious Peace”

I was crying one night in my bed, trying to find peace in the midst of my circumstances, trying to stop crying, knowing that many hurt way more than me, and yet God understood. I thought I was just acting poor and pitiful and feeling sorry for myself, but it didn’t matter what I thought. God knew I was hurting, and He was getting ready to do something only He could do.

Things that make no sense are hard to explain, but to bring glory to my Father in Heaven, through Whom all things are possible, I will try.

God started telling me a story, so I could fall asleep. He was providing solace, where there was unrest. He was providing arms to hold me, as I wrestled against fact and reason. He won the battle. I had to surrender all I thought and all that I could imagine and accept He wanted to do something for me.

God was holding me in His arms and rocking me back and forth, like a parent would hold their child in their arms. As my head lay against His chest, I became more aware of His Presence and His desire to comfort me. The more I fought the idea of this ever being possible, the more I became still, knowing that He was God.

Could I explain it? No. Could I deny it? No.

It got even better than I could ever have imagined.

Instead of the usual cluttered room of books and clothes needing to be folded; in short, just a plain mess everywhere that needed organization, my eyes were drawn to small, clear bud vases that surrounded the room, each holding one yellow daisy.

God knew that I love daisies; I had never told Him that, but He knew. He knows everything about us …our hopes, our dreams, our life’s experiences, the number of hairs on our head, as opposed to the day before. If you’re like me, it changes, due to age.

He also knew I needed a fresh glimpse of Him and His Presence.

No longer did tears stain my face. It was if, without touching a single one with a tissue, He had dried them all and replaced the tears with a smile on my face from ear to ear and a peace beyond all understanding, because I was in the Presence of God.

I was afraid to tell anyone of this, but one day, I did. God wanted me to tell someone; I just had to wait for God’s perfect timing. The protection was already there, but He knew I would know who and when, and I would not be afraid, when I did speak. Since then, I have told one other person, and they believed it too.

The first person I talked to, said, “The single daisy has many petals.”

She helped me remember something. When I was a little girl, I would sit with a single daisy in my hand, and as I plucked one petal off the stem at a time, I would say, “he loves me, he loves me not, he loves me, he loves me not.”

I know it sounds silly, but I was using a flower to try and figure out if someone loved me or not. Did you notice the first word of the quotation? I did not capitalize it, because I was seeking love from men.

I did not know God, but God knew me, and He knew I would know Him and His Love one day. I searched everywhere for love, and Love found me.

Human love is human love. It’s not perfect. I’m not perfect.

God’s love is unconditional. The human mind cannot comprehend God’s love, because it makes no sense.

I have denied Christ over and over and over again, but He is the Only God that says, “I still love you.”


I Corinthians 13

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Mary Quite Contrary

Mary Mary Quite Contrary How Does Your Garden Grow? Do you have any idea how many times I have heard that saying ? Even this week someone asked me that same silly nursery ryhme question.

I attended our Women's Aglow meeting this past Tuesday. We soaked in the praise music and God placed a wonderful vision in my heart.

 Little Mary was in a beautiful green field and Jesus was with her. A handful of cute and precious flowers were picked. But  it wasn't in my hands, they were in the Lords. He handed those beautiful delicate flowers to me. Jesus gave me a bouquet of wildflowers. He handed them to me ! No thorns, no weeds, no briars not pesty insects. Perfect. And He gave them as a gift...to me.

You know what I did in that vision? I made a dandilion chain, one for His head and one for mine and
we danced. "La La La La". I cant recall the tune. I just know I sang and skipped and danced. It was music in my ears. I was chosen to dance with someone who loved ME.

God showed  healing of the little child in me. He asked me to play and find the joy again. He was leading the in the dance of dandelions. A waltz in the weeds.

Have you ever seen a part of you that got choked from the weeds of bad experiences?

Contrary feelings are born out of seeds  that are sown by  adverse situations. You are like a garden and only time will show what will grow from that was planted. If you aren't happy with what is growing, look to see what has been sown. Make sure your seeds are being planted by the right sower.

 Not only physical or sexual abuse can hurt but also words of hate and anger yield the fruits of bitterness that makes you contrary. Words that obstruct can hinder your growth. And only God can remove the seeds that bring unhappiness and harm to your spirit.

Are you ready to dance in the waltz of the weeds?  Learn the right words to the music. Sow the Word of God and you will reap the rewards promised. Let Jesus bring you His bouquet. Ask Him to help  remove the weeds and grow the healthy seeds that are planted.

Are you tending your Spiritual garden or do you have some "weeds" (tares - poison - sin) still growing in your garden (heart)? We have to decide that which we will allow to grow in our lives. Let God do the gardening. He can remove the weeds of discouragement, whether we planted them  ourselves or others unfaily planted us in.  Let us be sure to only cultivate the seeds of righteousness.

Mary Mary Quite Contrary, How Does Your Garden Grow? It grows through Him,the Master Gardner.